
SCI-FI TRICKSTER by philip nobert

Truck stops had crap food and shit crappers. Wendell wondered why women even bothered, "pack a ham sandwich for chrissakes." He said, to nobody in particular. Forty-six years to life made a man's mind meander with aimless viscosity, like so much soup in the vat.
WICKED COOL by philip nobert

Some days, when you wrestle with axioms, it isn't particularly watershed to realize that most people are overtly ambivalent to how the little green blades of prairie grass bend to the wind's whim..as if, in a language only the skies regard, the oneness of it all flows. "Very nice Al. Now put your pants back on and get in the freakin' car." Alice hated being late to church, especially on Thursdays.


TIME HONORED by Philip Nobert
Oh he knew. The rare air he played in made it so. So it was a bit of a surprise when he found himself three sheets and a couple of comforters to the wind, face up in a Toledo bowling alley. And not the good, computer keeps the score kind, no, this was a forgotten shit-hole, full of toothless wonder and flat ale. "No dessert for you Pete", he thought. Then he wept.